Why was the JV City Council so against other options for replacing the city pool? It does seem strange that they were so quick to shut down any discussions regarding alternatives and only wanted to work with one company for a new pool. Would it be possible that someone had more to gain than just the best option for the residents of Jersey Village? At what point did our city pool become so deteriorated that the option of repairs was no longer viable for discussion? Did someone on city staff or the city council have a company ready to inspect the pool and provide a plan to replace the pool at the perfect time? The residents have voted “NO” two times for the City Council’s pool plan and that has angered those in charge.
For years, the City Manager and City Council were determined to build The Village Center on the land that JV was forced to buy to settle the lawsuit after rezoning the area on the other side of The Northwest Freeway (290). They refused to let the residents vote on the project or have any say in spending millions of dollars for a new city hall to be constructed there. They refused to give up on that project until they realized that they would never find any company to put any money into the project. They are now zoning the area back to allow the construction of the type of businesses allowed before their “I Had A Dream”.
Just last year, the city spent close to $10 million on buildings at the golf course without providing the residents with the right to vote on that project for fear of how they might vote. We have been told that the Golf Course Budget must be modified due to current operations, but details have been vague with the expectations of voter’s lack of interest in the details.
Why is the option of repairing the JV city pool not worth consideration by the City Council? The communities of Wilchester and Wilchester West Homeowners Associations (HOAs) conducted their analysis for their community pool of similar age and size and developed a detailed plan that will provide a pool complex remarkably like what JV Parks and Rec’s for a fraction of the cost. The Wilchester project documents are available for review using the links below.
Here is a comparison of how the JV project compares to the Wilchester project.
Although the two pools are about the same age, their pool was in far worse shape than the JV pool. They have a lap pool, rock pool, baby pool, and bathroom/guard building. They started researching their long-term solutions in Spring 2023. They made necessary “band-aide fixes” and “emergency repairs” so they could keep the pool open for the summer months of 2024. After reviewing bids (including engineering drawings) from six local contractors with multiple options, they decided on one concept design with a preliminary cost estimate of $2.2 Million. Those options were presented and discussed during public meetings and outreach in the Spring of 2024. Then on August 26, 2024, the citizens voted and approved the final plan. The construction began after the pool was closed at the end of summer 2024. The project timeline is August 26, 2024, through April 30, 2025. Their pool will be back open for the summer of 2025.
Jersey Village made repairs to our pool to our pool during 2021 and 2022 (see attached ‘JV Pool Project”). During the December 16, 2024 JVCC meeting, Bobby Warren said the City Council first became aware of the condition of the pool during 2023 from reports by city staff managers, Robert and/or Austin. Bobby said the final plans would cost around $1 million.
The Pool Citizens’ Committee reported that JV sent Robert to a convention where he met the vendor Councilman-Hunsaker. That company does not have an office in Houston; however, they are a premier expensive company. They would subcontract the work out to local companies and charge JV 15%-20% additional profit for their project management.
JV included a proposition on the November 2023 Bond Ballot for a new pool and other unidentified parks projects for $19 Million. That proposition was rejected. Then in November 2024, JV included another proposition for $10.1 Million for a new pool for a concept approved by the City Council. The voters rejected that plan as well. Bobby Warren then stated the pool would be permanently closed. The JV City Council proposed demolishing the pool and now is not doing anything. It appears that the plan is to allow the pool to overgrow with algae when the weather gets warm. Jersey Village pays two full-time city managers, Austin and Robert, who should have been doing what Wilchester HOA did. What did they do? Why are we paying them? Taxpayers deserve competent hired employees and elected officials who apply fiscal responsibility oversight. Only the City Manager and City Council members can explain why a similar project in Jersey Village would cost so much more than an area less than ten miles away.
It has never been more important to make your voice heard and demand that City Management listen to the voters. Given what we know about federal tax spending, we must ensure city taxes are accounted for and spent with our consent.
Below are links to the information for the Wilchester Project for your review:
Wilchester Pool Project:
Pool presentation: