Jersey Village City Council Meeting – June 21, 2021
The city council is not increasing the standard homestead exemption this year, it is going to remain at 14%. The city council begrudgingly increased the 65 year and over additional exemption from 75 thousand to 100 thousand dollars. The city council increased the additional disabled exemption from 75 thousand dollars to 200 thousand dollars to make themselves look good. The total number of disabled homestead properties in JV is 32. The loss of city revenue to give the disabled the additional 125 thousand dollars homestead exemption is a little less than 30 thousand dollars. Like I said before, the city council chose the least costly way to make themselves look like they are so caring about the citizens of JV. You might want to watch the 06/21/2021 JV city council meeting video to see the discussion about why they can’t give us our additional 6% standard Homestead Exemption and why they can’t give the JV citizens the same 65 year and over additional Homestead Exemption that the City of Houston and Harris County are giving their citizens. The JV government is also hinting that they may ask the citizens of JV to take on additional debt and that we should support them in their decisions. The discussion is the first discussion after citizens’ comments finish. The additional 6% exemption would cost the city a loss in tax revenue of $256,357 and to give the 65 year and over the same 160 thousand dollar exemption the City of Houston and Harris County are giving their citizens would cost the city a loss in money of $528,854. The City of JV got the Citizens of JV to vote to abolish their half-cent sales tax for property tax relief fund that was bringing in right at 2 million dollars a year. The JV government was very vague in the way the ballot proposition was written to get the JV citizens to abolish their half-cent sales tax collected for their sales tax for property tax relief fund.