How did this project affect the decisions made by Jersey Village City Council Members and does the current status of this project raise any questions about the efforts of the current JV Council Members? The link below provides access to the document called Final Report February 2012 titled: “Conceptual Engineering Study for the Hempstead Corridor Commuter Rail”
This report is 212 pages long; however, pages 28-31 most likely influenced the Council Members with their planning process. The information projected may have encouraged them to believe they could make big changes with what could be developed on the other side of 290. Now in 2021, we can see that the plans of 2012 and prior, have not been realized. The question is, “Should the current council members still be influenced by the unrealized projections?” Have the voters in JV relied too heavily on overly optimistic plans for the development of that land and the impact it would have on Jersey Village income sources? Will the taxpayers end up with much-increased property taxes if JVCC is wrong once again?