Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Tell your city government to vote no on a new golf course clubhouse(nearly $8,000,000) if you want your taxes reduced and or streets repaired. Email the city government members or attend the meetings starting at 5:30 pm tomorrow Monday, September 12 to voice your opinion.
The monies are coming from a $26,000,000 slush fund accumulated over approximately 10 years. In other words, we the citizens of JV have been overtaxed and should have had our property taxes reduced. For simplicity (home values are not the same) we will divide the $26,000,000 by the approximate 2100 homeowners by 10 years this would equate to $1,238 a year per homeowner!!!
The monies from the slush fund will be depleted if their new $8,000,000 golf course clubhouse and events center is built and their new $11,000,000 city hall is built.
The Jersey Village Government has already spent $8,250,000 dollars purchasing land on the south side of US290.
So, in order to repair the streets, it has been discussed by the Jersey Village government to issue a bond of $10,000,000 where we will vote and put the city into debt which in turn will require our property taxes to go up.
We should be issuing a bond for the new golf course clubhouse and events center (allowing us to vote). The street repairs should come from the existing slush fund.
Please email and or attend the city council meeting.
James (Jim) H. Fields II