The information below was presented to the Jersey Village City Council by Mark Maloy, with questions asked that remain unanswered by them. Every Taxpayer should ask “Why are the facts not included in the discussions by JVCC?” Is the purpose of our City Council to provide entertainment for non-residents of Jersey Village or to ensure that JV Residents are provided with sound management?
Mark Maloy, past city council member for The City of Jersey Village, Texas, Citizens Comments for the Regularly Held 10/17/2022 City Council Meeting. Please make my verbal comments and documents given to the city secretary a permanent record of this meeting. I am here tonight to talk to and ask questions of the Jersey Village Government officials and City Manager about the Fund Balance Report dated As of 09/30/2022. The Fund that I am talking about is Fund 11 which is the Golf Course Fund. From the information I am seeing it is showing that the golf course for the 2021/2022 budget year is showing an operating loss in the amount of $434,950.00. The Golf Course Fund Balance report is showing operating revenues of $2,237,874.08 vs expenses of $2,672,824.46 which is showing that there is an operating loss of $434,950.00 dollars
Fund Balance Report – 09/30/2022
Golf Course Fund Balance Report – 09-30-2022
FUND | Beginning Balance | Total Revenues | Total Expenses | Ending Balance |
11 – Golf Course Fund | -4,625,534.67 | 2,237,874.08 | 2,672,824.46 | -5,060,485.05 |
The question I have is where is the money coming from to offset this operating loss? I know that the Jersey Village, Government has in the past and also this year allocated non-golf course city revenue in the golf course monthly financial report Category 97-Interfund Activity 11-80-9751 Transfer From General Fund to be possibly added to the golf courses financial statement if the golf course has not at least break even for the year. The amount of general fund money allocated to possibly be given to the golf course for the 2021/2022 golf course budget year is showing to be $237,098.86. Is this General Fund money going to be given to the golf course to make it look like the golf course has broken even? The reason that I am asking you this question is because the original statement made by the City of Jersey Village, Texas’ Government appointed Golf Course Advisory Committee stated Per Jersey Village Government Document dated July 29, 1999. “The committee feels that it is feasible to acquire the original 18 holes of the Jersey Meadow Golf Course, drawing funds only from revenues from the golf course to pay off the debt”. The City of Jersey Village, Texas, Government found out in a very short amount of time once they purchased the golf course that the golf course revenue was not going to be anywhere close to being able to cover the purchase of the golf course or even in many months its monthly operating expenses. The Jersey Village Government has been using general fund money to pay the yearly golf course principal and interest debt. The principal and interest golf course debt service payment for this year is $527,460.00.
City of Jersey Village, Texas – Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000
This is not counting the golf course’s operating loss for this 2021/2022 budget year which is $434,950.00. There is other city revenue that is diverted/used by the Jersey Village Government to pay for things it wants to do to the golf course such as the Capital Improvements Fund that are not added into the golf courses financial statement as an expense. The estimated total amount of the city’s general fund revenue over the years that will be used just to pay off the Jersey Village Government’s Certificates of Obligation original purchase of the golf course debt will be $12,793,144.00 dollars. How much money has The City of Jersey Village Government spent on the Jersey Meadows Golf Course since it was purchased by the Jersey Village Government? The total estimated amount of the Jersey Village citizens/Taxpayers money that has been spent on the Jersey Meadows Golf Course as of today is an estimated 18 million dollars. This is not money that has been generated through the Jersey Village Government operating the golf course. The 18 million dollars has come from the Citizen/Taxpayers of Jersey Village, Texas and other City revenue sources. I think The City of Jersey Village, Texas Government should let the Citizens/Taxpayers of Jersey Village, Texas know exactly the total amount of City revenue that has been spent on The Jersey Meadow Golf Course (money that was not generated through the golf courses operations revenue).This information should be known before The City of Jersey Village, Texas government is allowed by the Citizens/Taxpayers of Jersey Village, Texas through an election ballot vote specifically asking the voters to choose yes or no to allowing The City of Jersey Village, Texas Government to spend any of the estimated already accumulated ratholed away 8.3 million dollars on their, The Jersey Village Government’s New Golf Course Clubhouse and Events Center. Reiterating again, Per the original statement made by the City of Jersey Village, Texas’ Government appointed Golf Course Advisory Committee stated Per Jersey Village Government Document dated July 29, 1999. “The committee feels that it is feasible to acquire the original 18 holes of the Jersey Meadow Golf Course, drawing funds only from revenues from the golf course to pay off the debt”.
Minutes For A Special Session of The Jersey Village City Council -6-29-1999