This is one of the comments given during the Specially Held City Council Meeting of the Jersey Village City Council. A written copy of these remarks was provided to the city staff.
Mark Maloy, 7803 Hamilton Circle, past city council member for The City of Jersey Village, Texas. Citizens’ Comments and Questions for the 06/12/2023 Specially Held City Council Meeting. Please make my verbal comments and documents given to the city secretary a permanent record of this meeting.
I am here tonight to ask Questions about the Jersey Village Government’s intentions to annex a large area of land south of US290 and the intentions of the JV Government to spend up to 149 thousand dollars to pay a consultant to perform a study of that land area to determine increased city revenue assumptions if the land is annexed and incorporated into the city.
The first question is where is the city going to get the millions of dollars that will be required to be spent on infrastructure for the area the city has intentions of annexing?
The city doesn’t have the money at this time.
The Jersey Village Government says they have intentions to complete the annexation during the year 2026 which is two years from now. My question again is where is the city going to get the money to provide the required infrastructure to be able to annex the area?
If the JV Government thinks they are going to use Certificates of Obligation to circumvent the Jersey Village Taxpayer’s right to make the decision if they are going to be indebted for this Jersey Village Government desired annexation plan the Jersey Village Government is going to have to contend with a large, organized opposition group that is going to work to stop that from happening.
From information discussed during the 05/17/2023 City Council Meeting, it was said that the property owners in the Jersey Village Government’s desired annexation area would not be forced to connect to the newly installed water and sewer infrastructure which means the city would not get the large amounts of expected money from the property owners for connecting into the newly annexed area to cover the millions of Taxpayer dollars spent by the Jersey Village Government to put in the freshwater and sanitary sewer lines as well as the newly built waste treatment plant for the area.
The Jersey Village Government’s Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) has just recently finalized its April 2023 Semiannual Progress Report and the results show that there is $1,232,334.16 in the Jersey Village Governments Impact Fee Fund which is nowhere near enough money to do any of the proposed $34,324,543.00’s worth of Capital Improvement Projects that the CIAC has assimilated to be done. The current total amount of money needed to fund the Jersey Village Government’s desired annexation area on the south side of US290 in the Capital Improvement Projects Plan is $17,209,000.00 in water projects and $7,571,000.00 in proposed wastewater projects which is a total of $24,780,000.
The Jersey Village Government has already had discussions with the City Manager about placing a 25-million-dollar Bond Referendum on this coming 2024 year Regularly held May Election Ballot.
I am providing documents from a May 10th, 2010 city council meeting where there were discussions about the annexation of the area that is now again being considered by the Jersey Village Government to be annexed and the results of that study said (It was felt that the revenue would not support the cost of the services that the city would need to provide so the annexation was not pursued.)
So I surmise that again the current Jersey Village City Council is going to waste more of the Jersey Village Taxpayers’ Money on something that many Jersey Village Citizens/Taxpayers know little to nothing about and if they did would not want any of their money wasted on another $149,000.00 Annexation Study or for the Jersey Village Government to go forward with trying to annex the area on the south side of US290.
These Meetings were shown to be Audio and Video recorded. However, the city now says there was a problem with the recording of that meeting, so the public comments are not available to be viewed!