Jersey Village provided a chart that shows the impact on property taxes with the two suggested tax rate increases if the three bond propositions are approved by the voters. Their chart is flawed in multiple ways. The chart provides calculated taxes for several property taxable values for five years with tax rate changes for the years 2024-2028; however, the taxable values do not change during 2025-2028. The majority of homes in Jersey Village have seen a ten percent yearly increase in their taxable value for the past several years. The chart also shows the tax rate decreasing in 2028 giving the impression that the bonds would no longer be affecting your property taxes. What they do not tell you is the decrease is due to some existing debt that will finally be paid off eliminating those debt payments. The bond debt incurred from the three propositions will require a higher tax rate for all future years (up to 40 years) until all the debt has been paid off.
Please understand that the chart provided by the city does not provide any control over the tax rates set by the city council for each tax year. They are not bound by any of the documents presented nor by any verbal statements that might be made by any or all council members. Only Texas State laws limit the size of tax increases implemented without voter approval. If any of the three propositions are approved, homeowners in Jersey Village will be paying higher property taxes for the next 25-40 years. The three propositions are written in a way that allows the city council to spend $53 million with no future voter approval on any of the projects they choose to do with the money.