Pool Questions

Every major city project should be researched, defined, budgeted, and explained to the taxpayers, who must pay for it. Part of the research phase includes identifying the reason for the project.

  • Why do we need a new pool?
  • Can repairs fix existing problems for less money?
  • Was maintenance not done that should have been done?
  • Are we just wanting something better for those not living within Jersey Village?

Project definition should be more than a pretty picture or words that describe neat features, it should be a clear itemized statement of what will be included in the completed project and the justifications for each of those extra cost features. The budget (contract cost) should include phase completion dates, defined penalties for missing dates, and protections against cost overruns.

Below are basic questions that every property owner should be provided with answers to before the city council takes any action. The answers should be provided for all city residents, even those with limited computer access.

  1. How many pool permits were sold yearly for the past 10 years (2014 to 2024)?
  2. Total annual pool revenue & expenses for each year for the past 10 years?
  3. JV citizen & non-citizen traffic at the pool for the past 10 years and certainly for this season?
  4. How many private backyard pools are in JV and what percentage of total private homes?
  5. Swim team percentage of JV residents vs non-JV residents?

Repair or improvements:

Provide line-item estimates from several known and reliable pool companies for the existing & possible new pool including:

Existing Pool and Baby Pool:

  1. Quote to make baby pool ADA compliant and install a separate automatic chlorination system.
  2. Quote to make the main pool ADA entry compliant for various methods including ramps, or chair lifts.
  3. The cost for new coping and resurfacing the entire pool, if needed.
  4. Cost of mechanical repairs required like pumps, filtration, or chlorination system, if needed.

New Pool Bond Project:

In addition to the proposed design and total cost, a line-item cost for each feature and system should be provided so the taxpayers can understand how much each contributes to the total cost.

  • Included with the estimated tax rate increase, a table should be included that provides estimates of the increases in property taxes for the bond to build the new pool that reflects annual assessed property value increases over the life of the bond payment period.
  • Environmental issues and permits for building a new pool in a
Jersey Village Neighbors