The citizens of Jersey Village, Texas have been heavily subsidizing paying for the Jersey Meadows Golf Course ever since the Jersey Village Government purchased the golf course in the city’s budget year 1999/2000.
The JV Government purchased the golf course through the use of Certificates of Obligation Debt. The Citizens/Taxpayers of Jersey Village, Texas were not given the right to make the decision if they wanted to be obligated to pay this debt. The debt service and interest payments that are required to be paid from The Certificates of Obligation Debt are paid through General Fund Revenue because the golf course does not bring in the required revenue through its operations to pay the debt.
See what the golf course committee and City Councilman AJ Widacki said during this City Council Meeting. They said revenue brought in from the golf course operations would be able to cover all costs of purchasing and operating the golf course. The Jersey Village Citizens/Taxpayers are still paying for the original purchase of the golf course and making up the costs that the golf course cannot pay for through its operations.
The current Jersey Village Government is now going to spend an already accumulated estimated 8.3 million dollars of the Jersey Village Citizens/Taxpayers’ money to build a New Golf Course Clubhouse and Events Center.
We need to stop the continued waste of the Jersey Village Citizens/Taxpayers’ money on a non-needed facility! The Jersey Village Taxpayers should be given the opportunity to vote specifically on an election ballot to be able to make the decision if they want to allow their City of Jersey Village, Texas Government to spend an estimated 8.3 million dollars on the current Jersey Village Government’s desire New Golf Course Clubhouse and Events Center.
The decision should not be made by only 5 citizens of Jersey Village. The decision should be made by all of the willing registered voters of The City of Jersey Village Texas. All information about the Jersey Village Resident’s subsidizing the golf course should be presented to the Citizens/Taxpayers of Jersey Village before a vote is taken so that they know exactly what is going on.