May 2021 Election Update

Does Jersey Village City Council have something to hide or do they just don’t want anyone questioning past elections or other actions? There is an old saying – “If you have nothing to hide, then why are you going to so much trouble hiding it?”

Prior to the May election, a petition was submitted to JVCC with over 900 signatures of JV Registered Voters that would have required a vote before any move of the City Hall to another location (Village Center). That petition was rejected by JVCC on the basis that they did not like the wording, even though the State of Texas had said it was proper.

On Election Day, there was a higher than the normal number of votes cast with one Council Member position very close in votes. A request was made to see the actual ballots that were voted and counted by a resident that was a candidate for Mayor. That request was denied by JVCC which prompted a request for State of Texas assistance. The Texas Attorney General instructed Jersey Village City Council to allow the viewing of the ballots from that election. However, as you can see from the response from the City Secretary, they have set a date for that to occur as far out into the future as allowed under law – MARCH 8, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.

Ask yourself, “Why would they do that if there is nothing to hide?”
Why does JVCC not want the residents to vote on any of their plans with the details presented and discussed, including questions? Why do they not trust the residents to make the “correct” decisions? Why do they act like they are the only residents living in Jersey Village that have any brains or experience worthy of having an opinion?

Re: PIR #151 – Request to Inspect Voted Ballots from the May 1, 2021 General Election

Dear Mrs. Beazley:

The Texas Attorney General has made his ruling in connection with your request numbered  PIR #151, wherein you requested to inspect the voted ballots from the May 1, 2021 General  Election. I have attached a copy of the opinion here to for your review. In accordance with this opinion, the voted ballots will made available to you for inspection on March 8, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. Please come to City Hall and ask to see the City Secretary.

Jersey Village Neighbors